Informational Geometry
UX Research & App
Development, FEMA
User Experience Architect
Researched FEMA's transportable houses from cradle to grave, and developed an enterprise application that sped up inspections five times faster.
Research Deliverables
Lifecycle Journey Map
The entire lifecycle of a FEMA house documented with data points. Click to enlarge.
This lifecycle map was built in MIRO from the notes taken throughout research.
10 Personas
Developed from research.
The Research:
Interviews, Site Visits, Contextual Inquiries
We interviewed dozens of people and went to locations around the US to research how work gets done. We used MIRO to organize and prioritize all of our notes and information collected. Research covered everything from manufacturing and procurement of FEMA homes, storage, transporting, staging and installing them. A lot of research was conducted in Texas after hurricane Harvey.
Workshop & Planning for App Development
We brought research deliverables and scenarios I created to some workshops to plan how we needed to develop the app. The app was built in Appian.
Field Testing the App
We field tested this preventative maintenance inspection app which led to refinements to the app. Interestingly, the field testing went five times faster than the old paper inspection process.
I also delivered a report to FEMA with actionable "takeaways" for FEMA to move forward.